YOU AND THE LAW™: This post is about the consequences for those who sign up for every class action suit that comes along. Let’s say someone is seriously injured, but the injured person has a pre-existing injury or medical issues in the affected area caused by the new accident. And now the question is whether… Read more »
Lemon Law
YOU AND THE LAW™: If you have purchased a NEW car or truck and think it is a lemon, LSA R.S. 51:1943 and 51:1942 govern. §1943. Express warranties; time limit to conform A.(1) It shall be presumed that a reasonable number of attempts have been undertaken to conform a motor vehicle to the applicable express… Read more »
What Are the Legal Time Delays and Grounds for a Divorce?
LA Civil Code Articles 102, 103 & 103.1 govern: Art. 102. Judgment of divorce; living separate and apart prior to rule Except in the case of a covenant marriage, a divorce shall be granted upon motion of a spouse when either spouse has filed a petition for divorce and upon proof that the requisite period of… Read more »
Have You Been Sued for an Open Account by Some Unknown Company Claiming to Own Your Old Credit Card Debt?
There is a very good chance you do not owe the debt, as the time for the creditor to file such a lawsuit has passed. Under Article 3494 (4) of the Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure, a creditor has to file a lawsuit within three years for an open account. Many debt acquisition companies buy… Read more »
What Does Battery Mean, and What Are the Consequences If You Are Convicted of Battery upon a Police Officer?
What does battery mean, and what are the consequences if you are convicted of battery upon a police officer? Battery can be a simple pushing of an officer; you do not have to slap or punch the officer to be convicted of battery of a police officer. Should you have an encounter with a police… Read more »